CNHC registrants play an important role as part of the wider public health workforce, supporting members of the public to improve their health.
The CNHC Board notes with concern the UK’s loss of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) measle-free status in 2019.
According to Public Health England, measles vaccinations have prevented 20 million measles cases and 4,500 deaths in the UK. As part of its commitment to public health, the CNHC Board supports Public Health England’s ‘Value of Vaccines’ campaign which aims to raise public awareness about the importance of vaccinations.
CNHC registrants must abide by CNHC’s Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance. Section D1 of the Code, Knowing your own limits, states:
You must recognise and work within the limits of your own knowledge, skills and competence.
CNHC registrants are reminded that if clients raise questions about vaccinations they must be advised to contact their GP.
[1] According to the Royal Society of Public Health and the Professional Standards Authority, ‘Practitioners registered with CNHC support public health by encouraging their clients to make a range of lifestyle changes. These include improvements to diet and nutrition, support with giving up smoking and losing weight, support with reducing stress, improving sleep, managing pain and other symptoms.’ Untapped Resources: Accredited Registers in the Wider Workforce: 2017