CNHC works with 46 Professional Associations who check the details of practitioners' training, insurance and experience and confirms whether they are eligible for CNHC registration. They act as CNHC Verifying Organisations (VOs). Click here for a current list of VOs
Professional Associations act in the interests of their members, to whom they provide invaluable services and support – for example:
In contrast, CNHC is not a membership organisation but a voluntary regulator. We act in the public interest and are the only organisation set up with government support for this purpose.
Our register has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority and government has recommended that when people are looking for a health practitioner who is not regulated by law, they only consult a practitioner on an accredited register such as CNHC’s.
CNHC strongly recommends that all CNHC registrants belong to a professional association in addition to CNHC registration because your association plays an important role in providing a range of services to you as a professional practitioner. CNHC registration demonstrates you have met UK wide standards and sets you apart from practitioners who do not hold the CNHC quality mark.
Click here to view the key Differences between the roles of CNHC and professional associations
Professional Associations work with us to communicate the professional advantages of CNHC registration for their members. We see this as a good example of the mutually beneficial relationship between CNHC and the professional associations in the complementary healthcare field.